Sunday, 20 March 2011

Playlist is Character? (Week 3 Blog)

Playlist is character - Levy (2006, pp.23) proposes this concept that has been assumed knowledge amongst social groups since the iPod first conquered the realm of portable music. It certainly can’t be denied that an individual’s choice of music does offer a degree of reflection on their personality, however I disagree with the notion that the music on your iPod is “not just what you like – It’s who you are,” as Levy (2006, 26) suggests. Rather, I would put forward that an individual’s playlist is a selection of music, which somebody else wrote, performed and recorded, for the enjoyment and interpretation of consumers. By Levy’s rationale, if a stranger looked at my playlist without meeting me first, they would be able to draw the conclusion that I was an urban hipster, probably wearing skinny jeans and thick-rimmed glasses, an assumption that couldn’t be further from the truth. That said, an individual’s iPod playlist does offer a reflection on their personality because certain types of music apply different levels appeal to certain types of people, however what someone listens to on the train to work doesn’t come close to being definitive of their character.


Levy, S. 2006. The perfect thing: how the ipod shuffles commerce, culture and coolness. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.

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